Dartford Grammar School for Girls

Year 7 Admissions

Admissions Information

Dartford Grammar School for Girls 7-11 Prospectus Digital

Dartford Grammar School for Girls Years 7-11 Prospectus Booklet

Year 7 Admissions Policy and Over Subscription arrangements for entry in September 2025

Year 7 Supplementary Form for September 2025-2026

Appeals Information

If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2024, you can appeal if
you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day
Friday 1 March 2024.  You must submit your appeal before 4pm on Thursday 28
March 2024 for it to be considered in the first tranche of appeals. Any appeals
received after this time may not be heard until the second tranche which could be
in September 2024.

If you wish to appeal you would need to complete a form online. Please do NOT use
ANY other appeal form or send your form to your local authority. Further information
on how to appeal and the timetable can be found below.
Year 7 Appeals Timetable 2024

Pupil Premium Priority

Admissions Over-subscription Criteria Priority 2

A girl who has been deemed selective in the Kent 11+ tests and is in receipt of Pupil Premium will be ranked within Priority 2 of our over-subscription criteria.

A child is eligible for Pupil Premium where she has been registered for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. This does not include children who have only been eligible to receive Universal Infant Free School Meals. Pupil Premium is also afforded to Children in Local Authority Care or Previously in Local Authority Care, however these children will be ranked within Priority 1.              

Parents/Carers wishing to apply under this criterion must ensure they complete a Supplementary Information Form, attaching the requested proof of eligibility and return it to the school by the deadline indicated on the form.

Please click here to view Coach Transfer information to Dartford Grammar School for Girls

Young Persons Travel Pass  - Kent County Council have revised their Freedom Pass for students travelling to secondary schools from September 2015. Please click on the following link for further details:

Contact: Mrs Balmer, Admissions Officer on 01322 223123 ext. 249 or email cbalmer@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk