Dartford Grammar School for Girls

Wellbeing at DGGS

At DGGS, we understand that there are times when you may need and benefit from some extra support and help to manage unfamiliar or difficult situations and feelings.

The pastoral teams are experienced and able to provide some support in school however, the following information and website links may be useful if you need additional support and guidance. Whilst we aim to support in every way we can, there is also a wide range of external support available.

Mrs Mason is Wellbeing Lead for DGGS, her email address is amason@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk. Mrs Hawkins has a specific role this year to assist with Wellbeing. Her email address is ahawkins@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk. Heads of Year are always available to talk to you about issues, and can refer you to the most appropriate staff member to assist you.

Our Safeguarding Team:

Mrs A Mason (Assistant Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead) amason@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk

Mrs S Pritchard (Headteacher)

Mrs R Kidd (Assistant Headteacher) rkidd@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk

Miss S Longley (Assistant Headteacher) slo@dartfordgrammargirls.org.uk

Key support for young people

Childline - A free point of contact for children and young people who need advice either online or via telephone on a wide range of issues, depression, abuse, bullying etc

NSPCC - Keeping children and young people safe from a wide range of abusive situations

The Mix - Support for Under 25s in a range of different areas

Adolescent Mental Health

Kooth - Online Mental Health Support

MeeTwo- An app-based peer support program for young people aged 11-25

Papyrus - Suicide Prevention for young people

Young Minds - supporting children and young people with emotional health and wellbeing concerns, offering a wide range of resources across a whole spectrum of issues affecting children and young people

Epic Friends - Support for young people who are providing support friends with mental health difficulties


The Candle Project – St Christopher's- supporting children and young people through loss and bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care

Winston’s Wish - offers practical and emotional support for bereaved children & young people, their families and professionals supporting them

Young Minds Grief and Loss

Drug and Alcohol Support

NHS - Drug addiction support

Talk to Frank - Drug use support

Turning Point - Alcohol and drug support

Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction

We Are With You

Domestic Violence

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Womens Aid

NSPCC - Domestic Abuse

Eating Disorders

ABC - Anorexia and Bulimia Care

Beat - Eating Disorder Charity

Mind - Eating Disorder Support

NHS- Eating Disorder Support

Family Support

Family Lives - National charity providing support for all aspects of family life

Gender and Sexuality

NHS - information for parents of children who may be transgender or non binary

Young Minds - information for parents supporting their children through gender identity issues

The Proud Trust - home of LGBT+ Youth

Online Safety

Breck Foundation - Charity campaigning for safer internet for children and young people

CEOP - Keeping children and young people safe from exploitation on-line, resources and advice for children & young people, parents/carers and professionals

Cyber Bullying support from Family Lives

NSPCC - Online Safety Support


Mind - Self Harm Support

NHS - Self Harm Information

NSPCC - Support on Self Harm

Young Minds - Self Harm Information

Sexual Abuse and/or Harrassment

One in Four provide a range of specialist support for survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence and abuse, and particularly survivors of child sexual abuse and trauma

The Survivors Trust provides a range of support services (including counselling) for survivors of sexual abuse

NSPCC Helpline for people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse in education 0800 136 663